
Commonality  Dynamic Women Talk Radio with Sandra Beck and Linda Kreter lead a global roundtable discussion sharing the opinions and perspectives on the topic of Commonality.


Guests: Frankie Picasso (Ontario), Linda Franklin (NYC), and Robyn Beseman (TX)

Today’s topic of discussion is on Commonality and we begin with how inquisitive women are about relationships and determining differences and points in common with other women. Guests Frankie Picasso, Robyn Beseman, and Linda Franklin join Sandra and Linda at the Roundtable with a free-ranging offering about relational commonality, personal style, manners, civility, self-acceptance, and the shifting of perspective with age and wisdom. Appreciating vibrant, charismatic women everywhere!

“… Using opinions to start discussions, not end them.” ~ Madeline Albright

Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.  Air date: 17Jan2017.


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