
Balance  Dynamic Women Talk Radio with Sandra Beck and Linda Kreter lead a global roundtable discussion sharing the opinions and perspectives on the topic of Balance.


Guests: Efrat Sopher (London), Linda Franklin (NYC), Cathy Krafve (TX), and Kimberly Rinaldi (LA)

Join our lively discussion on the topic of Balance – is it possible? Aspirational? Perhaps over the Seasons of life? This vibrant group of women: Efrat Sopher, Linda Franklin, Cathy Krafve, and Kimberly Rinaldi with Sandra and Linda express their opinions with rare candor and personal experiences about balance. Aspirational? Seasons of life? How to balance the times of conflict and how to make personal changes through choice. Appreciating vibrant, charismatic women everywhere!

“… Using opinions to start discussions, not end them.” ~ Madeline Albright

Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.  Air date: 10Jan2017.


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