Consideration for Others

Consideration for Others   Dynamic Women Talk Radio with Sandra Beck and Linda Kreter lead a global roundtable discussion sharing the opinions and perspectives on the topic of Consideration for Others.

SandraLinda Kreter

Consideration for Others

Guests: Kimberly Rinaldi (LA), Nancy Yearout (TX), Daai’yah Cixx (TX) and Anne Tucker (SEA)

Guests Kimberly Rinaldi, Nancy Yearout, Daai’yah Cixx, and Anne Tucker join Sandra and Linda for a warm show on Consideration for Others. Have you noticed how kindness and consideration have diminished in the small things and can morph into the larger one? Consideration is the glue of relationships and warmth and kindness toward others valuable. How do you exercise consideration, modeling it for others, and keeping it a priority in your life?

“Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.” — Marian Wright Edelman.”

Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Stitcher and other outlets.  Air date: 21Nov2017.


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